The Airport Project

The Airport Project is a project for students. The aim is to do and record interviews in English with travellers at the airport. At our school there are five classes in year 7, so each class spent one day at the airport.

Before we went to the airport, we prepared the interviews and acted out role plays to practise. On 4th November our class (7b) hopped on the train and went to the airport.

Before we did the first interview, we were very excited. Most of the people were really friendly, but we were still nervous.

The people we talked to were from England, the United States, Italy, Turkey, Somalia, Mexico and even Australia. How cool is that?

After the interviews we felt really relieved and happy. And we could not wait to talk to more people from different countries.

Back at school we listened to our recordings and prepared poster presentations.

It was so cool and very exciting!

We really want to do it again! We definitely recommend the project to our fifth and sixth graders because we think it really helped us to become more confident with our English speaking skills.

written by Malina, Merve and Nele (7b)